
Those who grok the truth understood by those who have entered the path…

Not content with my copies of various Sutta sets and commentaries, I have been delving into occasional other information and this verse (below) on grokking dukkha and its relation to the path and wisdom struck a cord.


§ 103. {Iti 4.4; Iti 105} – from Access to insight Link

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: “Any brahmans or contemplatives who do not discern, as it actually is present, that ‘This is stress,’… that ‘This is the origination of stress,’… that ‘This is the cessation of stress,’ who do not discern, as it actually is present, that ‘This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress’: to me these brahmans & contemplatives do not count as brahmans among brahmans or as contemplatives among contemplatives. Furthermore, they do not enter & remain in the goal of the priestly life or the goal of the contemplative life, having directly known & made it manifest for themselves right in the present life.

“But any brahmans or contemplatives who discern, as it actually is present, that ‘This is stress,’… that ‘This is the origination of stress,’… that ‘This is the cessation of stress,’ who discern, as it actually is present, that ‘This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress’: to me these brahmans & contemplatives count as brahmans among brahmans and as contemplatives among contemplatives. Furthermore, they enter & remain in the goal of the priestly life & the goal of the contemplative life, having directly known & made it manifest for themselves right in the present life.”

Those who don’t discern stress,
its cause,
& where it totally stops,
without trace,
who don’t know the path,
the way to the stilling of stress:
in their awareness-release
& discernment-release,
of making an end,
they’re headed
to birth & aging.

But those who discern stress,
its cause,
& where it totally stops,
without trace,
who discern the path,
the way to the stilling of stress:
in their awareness-release
& discernment-release,
of making an end,
they are not headed
to birth & aging.

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